Professional Pet Portrait Artist
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Commissioned Pet Portraits

art custom dogs ireland pet portrait sighthound

Commissioned Pet Portraits

Thank you to everyone that has commissioned custom pieces with me. I'm putting commissioned work on hold for the meantime. However if you are interested in being put on a waiting list for when I start working on custom pieces again, please get in touch. At this point, I dont know when that will be but if you wish to express interest, please email me at and I will keep your details on file and contact you by email when my books reopen.  Thank you ❤️

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Introducing the man in my life ♡

Introducing the man in my life ♡

Meet Stanley! Well, what can I say about my man, Stan. He's a brindle whippet lurcher and arrived here as a foster from the pound in carlow. When he arrived first, I noticed he was much bigger than my two whippets and had a very different personality. He was a real live wire (and quite frankly a bit of a nightmare!). He wanted to mark everything in the house every minute of the day, had separation anxiety, chewed things he shouldn't and had bad gut and skin problems. I also soon discovered his reactivity on a lead. So, I had...

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Sally, my little blue whippet ♡

Sally, my little blue whippet ♡

Meet family member number 2. Sally, a beautiful tiny blue whippet. Sally came to live with me on new years eve just before Covid hit. Millie was lonely and I wanted to get her a little whippet friend. I noticed Sally on the Cork Dog Action Welfare website and got in touch. Unlike any of the dogs I'd fostered or adopted in the past, Sally wasn't a stray, she had come from a home situation. Unfortunately she needed to be rehomed due to a marriage breakdown. From that night on, she just fitted in seamlessly. It was like she'd always...

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Meet my family ❤️

art artist dogs sighthound

Meet my family ❤️

Time to introduce the rest of my family, I'm talking about my 3 dogs of course! I love them to bits and they all have their own funny individual quirks. First up is little Millie, I've had her the longest. I estimate she was about 2 when I adopted her so she's possibly 10 or 12 yrs old now. She was a rescue from Cork Dog Action Welfare. I dont know much of her history apart from that she was picked up as a stray and found herself in the pound. She was beyond terrified when I first brought her...

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Let me introduce myself!

art artist dogs sighthound

Let me introduce myself!

Hey! Thanks for being here! This photo was taken of me over 15 years ago! How time flies by! I'm sharing this photo because although alot has changed since then, one thing still remains, my passion for dogs! I've always been an animal lover and my happiest times are those quiet moments in the company of them, whether it be my own pets or a brief magical chance encounter with a wild animal while out in nature. I grew up in Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin and this photo was actually taken on Dun Laoghaire pier. Although I have lived in...

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